Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Latest Music Obsession: Friendly Fires

Though it's not the primary focus of this blog, I'm actually a huge music lover. My favorite songs have gotten me through many a rough patch and of course also made the high points even sweeter. In fact, one of the biggest perks of working in D.C. for me is being able to hop over to the 930 Club at night, often at a day's or even a few hours' notice. Many genres have captivated my ear and I'm always open to more, but indie rock/pop have a special place in my heart.

Lately I've been REALLY into this British band, Friendly Fires, introduced to me by my musically enlightened friends, Steve and Nancy ;). My favorite songs so far are their cover of Lykke Li's "I'm Good, I'm Gone" and their own songs "Lovesick," "Paris," and "White Diamonds." I'd love to hear if anyone else likes them or can recommend similar bands.

And while we're on the topic of music, check out Pitchfork's sweet list of Top 500 Songs of the 2000s. It's surprisingly diverse, and you can listen to most of the songs directly on the website. Enjoy!


  1. OH I love love love Friendly Fires especially the Paris remix ft. Au Revoir Simone. If you like them maybe try listening to Cut Copy or MGMT! I also really like this new song: Mstrkrft ft. John Legend - Heartbreaker :) Happy listening!

  2. Thanks for the recommondations, Michelle! I listened to the Paris remix and Heartbreaker loved them. Also already a big fan of Cut Copy and just saw them in fact at the 930 club.


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