Friday, October 9, 2009

15 Lovely Blogs

What a wonderful week it's been for this newbie blogger! First I was dubbed Cupcake Hero and then I was surprised to receive this One Lovely Blog award from Michelle at One Ordinary Day. She's a true sweetheart with a wonderful little blog that you simply must see. Please go pay her a visit!

So the fun of this award is that you pass it on to 15 more blogs that you like! Now I read so many blogs that my browser often freezes up when I try to manage my subscriptions (oops). It's a bit embarrassing in fact, and my boyfriend likes to tease me about my incessant blog "scrolling." The point though is that I had plenty of beautiful and inspirational sites to select from and had a haaard time keeping the list to just 15! Keep reading to see which ones made my list...

1. 17 and Baking - I don't know how Elissa keeps up with high school, learning to drive, plus baking n' blogging but it's super impressive and fun to read about to boot.
2. Carmen Cooks - Carmen used to be a coworker and made me feel so welcome on the first day of work with her bright personality. It was just a matter of time before I discovered her awesome blog too.
3. Eat Me, Delicious - I found my amazing birthday cake and loads of other great vegetarian recipes here.
4. Eats Well with Others - Joanne's blog is chock-full of healthy but satisfying recipes. Her pumpkin and pine nut linguine is exactly what a hearty fall meal should be.
5. Evan's Kitchen Ramblings - A beautiful marriage of food and photography. I can only hope to make macarons as creative and camera-ready as hers one day.
6. Fuzzykoala's Caketastic Adventures - I discovered Dorothy's blog through Cupcake Hero. Don't miss her "Peeptastic" entry for October's contest!
7. Herbivoracious - While I'm not 100% vegetarian, I do frequent a lot of meat-free blogs and this is one of my favorites. Michael's recent post about a savory onion and aged Gouda dutch baby had me salivating for real...
8. Judy in Her Natural Habitat: The Kitchen - Judy's done us all a huge favor by figuring out how to make her own cupcake wrappers. Visit her site for the details.
9. Koko's Kitchen - Miso-baked halibut? Roasted butternut squash with curry sauce? Need I say more? Go there now.
10. Melanger :: to mix - Hands down, one of the most beautiful blogs I've ever seen. I'm dying to know how Julia makes those photo collages. She's doing a series of posts on caramel this month that are all sure to impress.
11. Paris Pastry - I love that she lets her readers choose what she bakes next. Her hazelnut blondies really speak to me, and loudly =).
12. The Red Deer - A blog I discovered just this week but am already totally hooked on. She just posted her pumpkin graveyard cupcakes with fondant bone toppers. Don't even pretend those aren't the most wicked Halloween treat you've ever seen.
13. Seven Spoons - Everything about this site reminds me of the beauty of simplicity. Her writing captivates me as much as the food (See the October 1st post, for example).
14. Tofu and Cupcakes - I love this title as these are 2 of my favorite foods! Plus Aubrey made her own fresh grated coconut recently. Now that deserves major props!
15. Une-duex senses - Michelle really sets herself apart by incorporating her loves of fashion and music, both of which I'm also passionate about, into her food blog. Plus, I'm pretty tickled that she made my ferrero rocher cupcakes O:-).


  1. You are so sweet, thank you so much! I'm honored! :) Reading nice things like that is one of the things that keep me blogging.

  2. Awe, you are too kind!! Thank you so much and YOU definitely deserve the One Lovely Blog award. I'm so glad I'm following your blog now- beautiful pictures, beautiful food!

  3. Aw wow thank you so much!!! =) It's so sweet of you to give me this award. You definitely deserved to receive this award. Your photos are so gorgeous and I love seeing the things you make!

  4. Awww! Thank you so much! I'm incredibly flattered! :D
    I'm actually making your pumpkin pancakes tomorrow morning, I will definitely do a post about it ;) !

  5. Thank you so much! :) My photo collages? They are simple. Just set up in Photoshop. I have a standard four photo quadrant that I use over and over again for all of my posts. Thank you as well for introducing me to some other lovely blogs that you regularly read.

  6. Awww, thanks Xiaolu! I'm honored to receive my first ever blog award--and from the Cupcake Hero winner, no less! Now for the hard part: picking (only) 15 blogs to pass it on to. I can definitely relate to the whole "blog scrolling" thing, because all I do on my lunch break is browse through blogs! :)

  7. I'll be checking those links out in just a minute - especially Carmens one - I don't come across that many 'other' Carmens so I'll have to be nosy ;)

    Well deserved awards - Congrats :D

  8. Off to see who you passed the award on to....
    : )
    (Thanks for the kind words!!)

  9. Awwww thank you soooo much!
    My VERY first award how exciting!
    I love you blog too, you make the best cupcakes ever, I am waiting for the perfect opportunity to make your caramelized banana creme brulee cupcakes... sounds so effing good!

  10. aww thanks so much! i'm so honored!! i checked out the other blogs that you gave awards to and they are all SO fantastic! i can't believe my blog is listed among them! THANKS!

  11. Thank you so much :) - I'm glad you like my little ol blog :)

    Now I'm going to go check out the other wonderful blogs that you chose :D

  12. Aww sweetie thank you so much for the award! I feel so honored to be listed among these excellent bloggers.

  13. Glad you guys are enjoying the award. It's been really fun following your cooking and other adventures =).

  14. Thanks for sharing these..I've now discovered lots of new favourite blogs !


I love hearing from you all! Please leave me a message if you have questions, advice, or just to let me know you stopped by. Your feedback is always very much appreciated. Thanks! <3 Xiaolu